Sunday, July 24, 2016

FLASH BACK - MAY (first week)

Well damn I missed a good two months of blogging. I can't help it I've just been so busy with work and I didn't have time to sit down and blog. However, look at me I have some free time on my hands so I will start off with a recap for the month of May. Don't worry I'll section it off by week so this post isn't massive.

I'll start off with the last week of April(the 30th) even though this is supposed to be for May. One of Lance's good friend: Kevin came back home as he finished school. We decided to go out and celebrate his arrival.
We went to a bowling place because their drinks were cheap and the location was close by for all of us.

Austin and Andrew were there as well!
It was kinda funny because we had the farewell at this bowling place for Kevin and 
we are welcoming him back at the same place.
The picture quality isn't that great but keep in mind there were drinks involved and Lance as well.

Fast forward to May 4th, one of my close friends that I met at work decided to leave BC as she was invited to take CO-OP in a different province. We decided to throw her farewell dinner at this restaurant called Shark Club.


There were a couple of ladies missing that night!

It'll be a while before we can be reunited

After we parted ways Alexa, Karen, Rachel, Justin, Auldrey and I decided 
to grab some dessert. 
We got bubble tea, Rachel and I shared this toast box.
(I personally didn't like it.. hahah).

The next day I had an overdue catch up date with a good friend of mine, Sharon!
We went to this restaurant called Romer's Burger
The view is absolutely gorgeous and we went on a good day!

Much love for this girl :*

She got a mojito and I got something with mangoes in it


Legit this was popcorn and shrimp

Since it was May 5th (Cinqo de Mayo) she got tacos.
I was craving a burger so I ordered the fried onion burger(probably not the name).

May 8th was Mother's Day. My family and I went to this Japanese and Korean fusion restaurant. It was Kyo yet again. I feel like Kyo is going to be the replacement of Fish on Rice since that place closed down for good. 

My mum got three bouquets cause she deserves it.
She's so cute! 

Before we went to dinner Jen and I did  the face swap.
I look so asian

Family pictures :)

My family minus Jen and I were turning up on Sake
I was going to drive us home that's why I sat out

My lovely parents


So that's pretty much it for the first week of May. As you can see I was busy and on the days I didn't blog about I was probably working and sleeping to be honest. 
See you all in part two of May!

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