Sunday, April 24, 2016

Slowing it Down

Finally a chance to blog and some down time. The past few days have been a little busy for me. I got a new job so I've been working and training there and its a full 8 hour shift which is really nice. To top it off with a cherry it' an 8-5 which is even better. I still have my evenings but I do have to fix my sleeping schedule which I have no problem doing because I do want and need a regular sleeping pattern now.

On Tuesday I wasn't really doing much I was actually getting ready for bed because I had an early shift the next day but Corey and Nadia told me to come out with them and have dinner. I was practically in bed but since they were outside it motivated me to get up and go out with them. I'm glad they forced me out with them cause I had fun hanging out with them. It's just not the same when you're at work with them. Nadia and I had fun annoying Corey. We got pho and bubble tea of course.

Strawberry Ice Cream 
Raspberry Strawberry
Guess who's who

The lovely Nadia


Wednesday was my first shift and after I had that I crawled into bed and slept for fourteen hours. It's been a while since I had that shift. It was refreshing and also kinda sad I slept for that long. 

Thursday I hung out with Austin because she was doing her brother's girlfriends hair and also her friend's hair as well. After that we went to Lance's to hang out with him for a bit because he's gone the whole weekend to go camping. Lucky butt. Andrew joined us shortly after we arrived. Felt kinda bad because he was already sleeping since he's trying to recover because he's sick.

Friday I had another shift but it was also my dad's birthday! We celebrated it with Japanese AYCE and mango cake. So good. I had too much food in the past week. We went to this Japanese restaurant called Kyo!

Japanese x Korean BBQ AYCE!

Kinda craving this right now as I blog about it.

iPhone vs. Android
My family♥

Happy 57th Daddy♥

Mango x Strawberry Cake

Then on Saturday I decided to have a productive day as in I cooked breakfast for my family, went to the gym, exchanged a few things at the mall that I was putting off for a while, picked up some make up goodies from my cousin, walked my best friend, Teddy, did some laundry and finally worked. I felt super accomplished and now today is just a rest day and hang out with some friends. 
Till next time lovelies♥♥

1 comment:

  1. So yummy! Happy birthday to your dad :)
    There's a giveaway on our blog and we would like that you join it :)
